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My scales
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Getting Started
How to check if my apiary is covered by the network
How to Install My Scale
How do I access my data?
How do I tare my scale?
How to manage alerts?
How to receive a daily report by email?
How do I renew my subscription?
How to add a brood sensor to my scale?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to improve network coverage?
What is the cost of the subscription?
Is the location of my apiary public?
Are the waves dangerous for bees?
Are my data secure?
What type of battery does my scale use?
Can multiple users connect to the scales simultaneously?
Are the antenna and batteries included with the scale?
What is the lifespan of the batteries?
Are the antenna and batteries included with the scale?
Can a scale be linked to multiple accounts?
How can I prevent my hive from sliding on the scale?
Are the login and password for the cloud platform and the application the same?
What should I do if I forgot my login details?
What should I do if I don't receive a message?
What solutions are available if my apiary is not covered by the Sigfox network?