Connected hive scale HoneyInstruments

Brood Sensor

Temperature & Humidity of the Brood
Brood sensor temperature and humidity for hive

Track Evolution Remotely

From your home on PC & Smartphone

Monitor your connected hive directly from our intuitive web interface or via our mobile app available on Android and iOS. Receive instant alerts by email, push notification, or SMS in case of anomalies in your apiary.

  • Your data accessible anywhere (PC and smartphone)
  • Hourly and real-time data reception over local connection
  • Detailed weight and temperature curves.
  • Compare data between multiple beekeeping scales.
  • Automatic alerts for abnormal variations (weight, temperature, movement, or shock).
  • Share your data by creating user accounts for your collaborators
  • Download data in CSV format (Excel)
Connected scales data list

Mobile App

Keep an eye on your connected hive

Access real-time information from your connected hives from your smartphone. Enjoy precise and responsive tracking with instant alerts in case of changes to your colonies.

Reduce your travel and optimize your production!

Customer Reviews
